In this section we will find contents written in English, related to the Venezuelan Parliamentary Affairs, history and many other analytical resources for a better understanding of this complex and unique political situation.
If you ever wonder how is the democracy quality of any society, besides variables and specialized indexes that help you to determine it accurately, one complementary empiric evidence is the autonomy of the parliament in terms of democratic control and preservation of the political plurality. Here you will find a selection of articles related to the Venezuelan case.
In facts, in the last two decades one of the aspect that better describe the Venezuelan democratic destruction has been the progressive reduction of autonomy of the Parliament (National Assembly). Since the promulgation of the Constitution of 1999 every legislative 5-years periods accumulate systematic reductions of competences, faculties and many other institutional mechanisms of control to the presidential expansion of influence implemented by Hugo Chavez and accelerated by Nicolas Maduro. From the reduction of the legislation capacities, budgetary control restrictions, and even the military control of the access to congressmen and administrative workers to the Legislative Federal Palace. In sum, the 2020 National Assembly has been reduced to the minimal expression of autonomy and currently is the epicenter of the political struggle between an open dictatorship and the only democratic elected institution that remain still in the contemporary Venezuela.
In this context the Venezuelan the Asamblea Nacional is the last spot freedom of a devastated country, which still experiencing the biggest humanitarian crisis known in the western hemisphere on the contemporary history according with many international organizations, specialized experts and many governments around the world.